Dog bites are a serious issue in California. Of all 50 states, California has seen the most deaths in recent years. Many of them occur in Southern California—specifically San Diego. The county’s Department of Animal Services investigates at least 2,500 dog bite cases every year. Between 2012 and 2013, the number of dog bite cases increased by nearly 30 percent.
The reported dog bites varied from nicks on the hands to serious ones involving surgery or even death. The Department of Animal Services classifies a serious bite as one that substantially impairs one’s physical condition. It may involve a concussion, loss of consciousness, concussion, broken bone, loss of function of a limb or organ, a muscle tear, multiple sutures or surgeries, or disfigurement.
During a three-year period spanning from July 2011 to June 2014, most bites were caused by pitbulls, with 851 reported. Of those, 100 were serious. Next was German Shepherd at 349 bites. In third place was the Chihuahua, with 333 bite cases.
With so many dog bites cases occurring in California, anyone can be a victim at any time. Therefore, it’s important that dog bite victims know what to do when they are bitten. While medical care is important, and a lawsuit can help you recover compensation for such expenses, dog bite reporting is also important. Read on to learn more about the importance of reporting and what other steps you should take following a dog bite injury.